
English - German

Maybe I can help you to

understand yourself better

finding a partner

overcoming dependency

career advice

letting go

enjoying today

practical problem-solving

changing habits



What can I do for you?

I successfully coached artists, prisoners, business leaders, doctors, actors, writers, nuns, teenagers, children, fathers, and mothers.


Peter F. Great Britain

I was at the point in my career where I couldn't decide what to do with my life. I thought my life is useless and empty. Niko help me to see that all of this was not true. It was just in my head. So, I looked at reality and that was wonderful.

Suzana S. USA

Niko asked me to create a vision of my future partner. Three months later, I did find her! She is not as tall as I thought, but she has what I need most, a good heart.

Andrea T. Germany

I am still drinking. But now I make breakfast and dinner for my sons. The older one is even helping to wash the dishes.


I was born with short arms and became a film director. I smuggled political refugees, helped German thalidomiders to get a much better compensation, directed and produced 8 movies, founded the Tibetan film school and I run a foundation to help disabled children. Furthermore, I learned to look honestly at myself and made a picture of my future. So, what can I do for you?

Please contact me



I offer a free 60-minute consultation to people interested in using my services. It’s a great way for me to find out a bit more about what you're hoping to achieve and to see if we get on, of course.

My fee goes straight into the NIKO VON GLASOW foundation, where you help us to help hundreds of disabled children to get surgery, food, and education.


My role as helper is not to do things for the people I am trying to help, but to be things; not to try to control and change their actions, but through understanding and awareness, to change my reactions. I will change my negatives to positives; fear to faith; contempt for what they do to respect for the potential within them; hostility to understanding; and manipulation or overprotectiveness to release with love, not trying to make them fit a standard or image, but giving them an opportunity to pursue their own destiny, regardless of what their choice may be.
I will change my dominance to encouragement, panic to serenity; the inertia of despair to the energy of my own personal growth; and self-justification to self-understanding.
Self-pity blocks effective action. The more I indulge in it, the more I feel that the answer to my problems is a change in others and in society, not in myself. Thus, I become a hopeless case.
Exhaustion is the result when I use my energy in mulling over the past with regret or in trying to figure out ways to escape a future that has yet to arrive. Projecting an image of the future and anxiously hovering over it for fear that it will, or it won’t come true uses all my energy and leaves me unable to live today. Yet living today is the only way to have a life.
I will have no thought for the future actions of others, neither expecting them to be better nor worse as time goes on, for in such expectations, I am really trying to create or control. I will love and let be.
All people are always changing. If I try to judge them, I do so only on what I think I know of them, failing to realize that there is much I do not know. I will give others credit for attempts at progress and for having had many victories that are unknown.
I, too, am always changing, and I can make that change a constructive one if I am willing.


Others I can only love.